[ITP: Designing Your Voice] Final Project Planning

Gather samples of body

Make knobs

Gate sequencer vs. pitch sequencers

Plug into brain?!!?!

you can never have too many vca’s

  • VCAs allow us to inject animation into our patches

    • Let us change the volume of signals over time

    • Change the “volume” of control voltages (CVs)

  • Use a VCA to build things:

    • Compressor, side-chain a kick (?), AM synthesis

    • Intermediary to modulate modulators

  • Moog DFAM

  • VCA’s can have character, not always clean

  • Input, output, control voltage (controls how loud)

  • VCAs to create voices, filters out sub-base mud, closes voice down

  • AM synthesis - plug another oscillator into CV control, oscillators kind of combine

  • Using a sequencer to change the volume of another pitch sequencer output

  • Static vs. animated

arpeggiator code







Why you can never have too many VCAs

Expert in modular synths

Contact mic tutorial

Contact mic club
