[ITP: Thesis II] Alumni Feedback

Alumni Feedback

Here are the scribbly notes I took during my crazy alumni feedback sessions. I met with some really talented artists and got some great pointers. Specifically, Darcy Neal, Ari Melenciano, ❤️ Khushbu Kshirsagar ❤️, and Hayeon Hwang… and I roped in my new teacher Alan Winslow to give me some feedback as well!

Here is the relevant feedback:

  • Create a “take-away” paper —> maybe a body passport, checkin? ask questions

    • Could ask the viewer to describe me or what they learned about me, what they learned about themselves?

  • Installation is touching in with the senses

    • Grounding, polyvagal theory, fight/flight/freeze

  • Potentially add soft material?

  • You don’t need to make your art make sense to other people

  • What are you looking for by getting more connected with body?

  • Project is relatable, vulnerable

    • Reflect yourself and the viewer to themselves

  • Create thoughtful/intentional exhibition

  • Alumni like the sketches and illustrations…

  • Make the viewer go deeper

  • Thesis is not the end, it can be the middle

    • It is okay to compromise on the scale

  • Since pieces are so different, uniformity in showing the pieces could be good —> pedestals, table, whatever

  • Could collect body samples using a contact mic

TMC2209 stepper motor driver


So, I’m bringing back the washing machine!! I originally made this curiosity portal for Sharon’s STEM Accessibility class. I was able to get it like 90% done last year but the motor couldn’t reliably turn the drum and I feel like I got too edgy with the concept and I abandoned it totally.

To get it up and running, the first step was getting the motor system going. Based on some advice from Phil, I got a new big, bad motor and his favorite driver, the TMC2209. I got some help from other stepper experts Jeff Feddersen and resident Gracy to get the motor and driver up and running! Here are some updates I needed to make to my circuit:

  • I needed to chop off the two pins that were in-line with the ENABLE pin —> out-of-the-box configuration is not meant for bread board

  • GND the ENABLE pin

  • Through some testing, I decided to implement microstepping of 8 microsteps to get the speed that felt right

From stepper driver documentation

It is really amazing that you can move a stepper motor just by blinking a pin! So I didn’t use any motor libraries in my final code. I also whipped up a lil sequence for the washing machine to follow, with some typical washing machine randomness. I also put in some neopixel action to get some portal lighting. As always, you can find my code and other files at my Github repo.

Motor wiring


I also worked really really hard on finishing up my journey-to-my-stomach pop up book. Another body part down: stomach✅. You can find all my documentation on the paper process at this blog post.


The last body part I’m working on is the inter-FACE. This is the least baked body part. Inter-FACE will be the interface to this synth on the left. I’ve got quite a bit of work still to do. You can find some of my progress at these blog posts.

Thesis Show @ NYC Resistor

On top of developing my thesis itself, I’m curating and producing a group thesis show at one of my favorite NY spaces, NYC Resistor. With the help of my buddy César, we put out an open call to be a part of the show, went through submissions, organized the artists into production teams, and did all the coordinating with the venue to make the show a reality. Below is the beautiful show poster designed by Angie Kim and some stickers I made to give away!

Stickers for the show!