DOM and ES6 Review
Arrow functions, “=>”, are a shorthand function notation in ES6
Works for anonymous functions which are unnamed
Switched from “var” to “let” in ES6 too
“this” refers to the current context of where you are in the code
Callback functions are synchronous only in JS
Promises are not supported in p5.js yet but you can use the fetch() function
There are three states: pending, fulfilled, and rejected
Fetch() handles asynchronous events using then() and catch() events
Made my own word interactor! Could do some interesting things with this in the future…
RegEx Notes
RegEx are inside \ ___\
meta-characters: “\d” = 0-9, “\w” = A-Z or a-z or 0-9, “\s” = whitespace, “.” = any character
Capital letter means opposite or NOT
Quantifiers: “*” = 0 or more, “+” = 1 or more, “?” = 0 or 1, “{min, max}” = range, “{n}”
Position: “^” = beginning of line, “$” = end of line, “\b” = word boundary
Character class [], OR
Capturing groups with ()
Group 0 is the full regular expression result
“$1” and “\1” (back reference) refers to group 1
JavaScript functions to use RegEx: test(), match(), exec(), split(), replace()
Use flags g = global to return every match to the RegEx or i = case insensitive matches
Assignment - MadLibs Generator
Here is my MadLibs generator and I followed this Coding Challenge.
So as I was following this challenge I saw that the Tabletop.js library is deprecated since 2020 so I transitioned to using something called Papa Parse 5 which converts CSV to JSON.
Here are some other important notes from following the challenge:
Need to “escape” the dollar signs in the RegEx because they are meta-characters
Whatever you return in the replacer function is what the expression results will be replaced with
Global flag!!
We kind of touched on this in class but entry.noun = entry[‘noun’]
Now that I’ve completed the MadLib generator, I’ve actually noticed that sometimes a MadLib is generated with all “undefined”’s. My gut instinct is that that would come from the first line of the .csv file but I think that’s accounted for in the Papa Parse declaration with “header: true”. Actually I just realized the “undefined”’s come when I try to generate a MadLib before the file is loaded! Duh!
Another question I have is I guess I am not sure how the "replacer” function really works. Like how does it know the part of speech that corresponds to the matched regular expression?