NYC is bustling! There are so many people, so much is going on, and so many patterns. I think all this business really highlights the use of patterns and their importance to keep systems functioning and organized. I know I was supposed to pick one pattern, but once I started looking, I couldn’t stop seeing them.
For me, the repetition and fast-paced-ness of the patterns of NYC is incredibly overwhelming. Too much to look at, too much wizzing by, and too much to process. But on the other hand there is something comforting about seeing patterns you recognize from home or have seen somewhere else.
Of the patterns I observed this week, some are perfect and 100% predictable. Others are more organic, have variance, or are man-made/man-manipulated.
Example Sketches
The code for these sketches come from my class and live on my p5 profile.
Image tiling and rotation
Frame differencing
Slit scan