Digital synthesizer module
for ITP course Designing Your Voice with Jesse Simpson
May 2024
interFACE is a step sequencer digital synthesizer module. It runs off of a Teensy 4.1 and Audio Shield and plays back recorded body samples at each step. The module is housed in a custom acrylic box and the top faceplate is a doodle of Priyanka's face. The musician can configure the sample being played at each step using the potentiometer teeth and can also change the volume and speed using the potentiometer cheeks. Playback modes can be changed by pressing the red eye button where the clock speed can be set by control voltage signals coming from A Nervous System (Brain).
This synthesizer is a self portrait and part of Priyanka's larger Body of Work.
You can find the most recent code for the sample sequencer at this Github repo and a full article on how I built this thing on my blog.
Tres playing my face
Helping hands🥺